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Introducing ........The Hive
Mon 20 Jan 2025This week has seen the launch of The Hive - our SAP base at Welbeck Federation. We will be offering a range of interventions for children to access delivered by the SAP team and by commissioned services. We welcomed our first group of children accessing group counselling sessions last Thursday - they will be spending sessions together exploring bereavement. After half term we are introducing a 6 week intervention using baking to explore emotions.
We have an open session on 31st Jan 3.30-5pm so you can come along and visit The Hive to see our room and resources.
We are really excited to have a great new base and resources to support the children across our partnership schools. Looking forward to you visiting us soon
Alison, Liz, Kathie, Lee, Rachel, Sally & Debbie
SAP Conference 2025
Fri 01 Nov 2024We are so excited that bookings are now being taken for our second SAP conference on 21st March 2025 at Eastwood Hall. The speakers are booked, the planning is underway and we're busy gathering raffle prizes! Your job is to help us make it a big success by booking a place. Details have been sent to schools so get your places booked and we'll see you there.
We've moved......
Mon 16 Sep 2024We are busy moving into our new office base where for the first time we will have a space to work with children. The new office is at Meden Vale sharing Welbeck Federation's site. We will be posting photos over the next few weeks and we will be sending invites to open afternoons so you can come and see us to find out about what we will be offering schools.
Transition Project 2024 video
Tue 03 Sep 2024Here is the link to our video. We hope all the new Year 7s have a great start to their secondary schools over the next few weeks. Thank you to James Hardwick for producing and editing another film for us.
Transition Project 2024
Wed 24 Jul 2024A huge thank you and well done to all the Y6's who took part in our transition project and entered a poster for the competition. We have loved looking at all the posters you made and hearing about all the discussions you've been having after your transition visits. We're wishing you all a lovely summer holidays and lots of fun, success and good times in your new secondary schools. Here are the 3 posters chosen to receive a prize. We are making a video to show all the entries and we'll share that as soon as we finish it.
SAP Y6 Forest School transition programme
Tue 25 Jun 2024We're busy delivering our Y6 Forest School transition sessions at the moment across our families of schools. 135 children have had the opportunity to work with new children, take part in a series of challenges and problem solving activities as well as explore the range of emotions that moving away from primary and into secondary brings. We're having a great time sharing part of your journey with you. Good luck in Sept - we've all
SAP Forest School transition - link to video
SAP Conference
Wed 24 Apr 2024On 15th March over 130 people came together for our first ever SAP Conference. We had a great day looking at how we can develop our thinking around trauma informed practice. many thanks to Pooky Knightsmith, Nerys Hughes and Jenny Hogan for really interesting, and thought provoking talks. Thank you also to the organisations that joined us with stalls to share information. We hope to see you all again at the next one!
Feeling Proud.....
Fri 09 Feb 2024Congratulations to the parents that completed the Solihull Parenting Programmes this month with Hannah. Hope you are feeling proud and thank you for working with us over the last few months.
Staffing Changes - Jan 24
Wed 20 Dec 2023In January there will be two changes to our team here at SAP. Firstly we are saying goodbye and good luck to Kirsty Booth as she leaves us to take on the role of HLTA at Walesby. Wishing you every success Kirsty and we look forward to meeting you in your new role in one of our partnership schools. Secondly, Liz White will be with the team fulltime which we are very excited about.
Welcome back.
Fri 08 Sep 2023Welcome back to the new school year. The SAP team have spent some time in the office this week planning support for the next three terms. We also spent an hour in the woods collecting resources for Lee's forest school sessions. Looking forward to catching up with you all over the next few weeks.