Accessing Support through a consultation
Details of our online consultation sessions are sent to schools each half term and can be found on the calendar on the home page.
online consultation times for autumn 1 2024
Our Sherwood Area Partnership schools have agreed to follow a graduated response to support children with SEMH needs:
Staff in our partnership schools can access a consultation with a member of the team to discuss an individual child, a class or group of children or a general SEMH need.
Online consultation sessions are held at least once a week - please see the calendar for details of upcoming dates and times we can offer a consultation.
In order to access a consultation schools will need to complete the following documents:
- a signed parent/carer consent form
- a request for consultation form
Parent consent for a consultation
Request for consultation form
During a consultation the SAP team may use following documents to support your discussion. It can be helpful if you have looked at these documents before the consultation.
- Unpicking an incident document
- School Level response checklist
We are required to submit data about the children supported by the partnership. To gather data we use a Data and Impact Monitoring sheet. Please ensure you are able to answer the questions on the Data and Impact Monitoring sheet for a child you will be discussing during a consultation.