SAP Outdoor Learning Programme
One of our current aims is to support schools to consider how the outdoor environment can support all children’s social, emotional and mental health, particularly those with identified SEMH needs. Children often engage in an outdoor environment in different ways to an indoor classroom. The outdoors can promote wellbeing and positive engagement. Lee Cook is our qualified Forest School Leader and primary school teacher who works with schools to develop outdoor engagement in school for children with SEMH needs.
Schools can be allocated 10 weekly sessions when Lee will work alongside a school member of staff to implement an agreed programme of work.
Examples of how Lee might work with a school:
- A 10-week programme of forest school sessions to share activities and the ethos of forest schools within the school.
- A 10-week programme to support a member of staff who is contemplating undertaking the forest school training.
- A 10-week programme of child and parent sessions to foster positive relationships and school engagement.
- Develop/suggest ideas for enhancement of outdoor areas e.g. build a mud kitchen, develop and model use of log circle, develop and model use of a shelter, start to create an allotment.
- Create a long-term development plan for outdoor provision and learning.
- Support and existing or help establishment of a new outdoor nurture group.
- Development of a specific area of learning through outdoor sessions e.g. outdoor storytelling, outdoor maths.
If your school would like to access our Outdoor Learning Programme and work with Lee please use the contact from below to be added to our waiting list:
Outdoor Learning Programme for schools
Please add our school to the waiting list to access the 10 week outdoor learning programme offereed by the SAP team. Please include school name, and contact details in the message.