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The Sherwood
Area Partnership

Strengthening Relationships -because every child matters and every moment counts

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The Sherwood Area Partnership home page

The Sherwood
Area Partnership

Strengthening Relationships -because every child matters and every moment counts

Forest School parent & child transition sessions

We will be running a  parent and child Forest School programme this half term with the focus on transition. 


‘Moving On Up’


Venue: Berry Hill park

Dates: Friday 6th, 13th, 20th 27th of May from 1pm until 2:30pm

This four-week programme is designed to support transition from infant/KS1 to Junior/KS2. The target group are KS1 children who may find the move from year 2 to year 3 difficult. Lee Cook will be contacting our infant schools initially to offer places. 


Throughout the duration of the course, children will be enabled, in a safe environment, to explore and express their feelings about moving from Year 2 to Year 3 and look for strategies and coping mechanisms to help regulate anxiety around this.

The sessions are for parent/carer and child together.